Novice Class

Tuesday's Novice Class will cover a variety of wet and dry fly applications; we give you the template and you get to create. Hook and material selection will be a key part of this class, simplifying your world as a fly tier. Each year several tiers return here for a review of the standard patterns/techniques, which also pushes the crew to intermediate tying levels. Class begins Tues. Jan. 10th, 2023 6 PM. Cost is $150 for 6 session class prepaid registration required.
Advanced Class
Wednesday's Advanced Class will venture deeper into "hatch matching" patterns and articulated streamers. Transitional flies, emergers/cripples, are always a clutch part of this class. With returning members of this class each year, patterns change and always rise to the next level. Want to tie a better parachute or compara dun dry fly, this is your class. Class begins Wed. Jan. 11th, 2023 6 PM. Cost is $150 for 6 session class prepaid registration required.